Ryan Selkis announced his resignation as CEO of Messari, allegedly because of his political comments that hurt the team. Selkis said on Twitter that as a leader, his first responsibility is to protect the team, and his comments put them at risk for the first time this week. Eric Turner, co-founder and COO of Messari, will take over as CEO. Selkis will serve as a senior advisor, focusing on cryptocurrency policy and regulatory issues that he cares about. Messari is a company focused on cryptocurrency market analysis and research. The company has raised $56 million in venture capital.

Here are some additional details about Selkis' resignation:

  • Selkis has made other controversial political statements in the past.

  • Some have speculated that Selkis’ comments may be related to his comments about the attempted assassination of former U.S. President Donald Trump.

  • Selkis denied his comments had anything to do with his resignation.

  • He said he was stepping down to focus on cryptocurrency policy issues that matter to him.

Overall, Selkis' resignation is a significant development for Messari. It's unclear how his departure will affect the company, but it will likely lead to some internal turmoil. It's worth noting that Selkis will still serve as a senior advisor, so he will likely continue to play an important role at the company.

Original text: https://0xzx.com/2024072000104630845.html