Newly released "G" coin.

The strategy was to launch only on the spot market to avoid the prevailing tactic of going short at launches. Aiming at statistics that 85% of coins launched plummet! Without this speculation, the currency falls more slowly, lol.

Also forcing investors to stay with the currency longer, because without the futures market, there is no way to make a profit and exit as quickly as possible... Not in a very profitable way.

And the worst... It traps investors who buy and soon after the value plummets, so they are left waiting for a "recovery"...

Wow! I was already counting on this profit... I was desperate to sell it at 3X. But that's for the next piece of crap that Binance releases in the future...

These strategies make it very clear that cryptocurrency was created to steal money. To win, we must be more thieves and cunning than their creators.

But, for those who like trash... "G" is ready for purchase.

Good luck to the muggles who are going to invest right away...

See you more naughty colleagues.