Having tasted the sweetness of contracts, I really don’t want to return to spot.

Today, it rebounded a little. You are thinking again, if you had resisted yesterday and didn’t close the order, would you have lost tens of thousands less now? You start to feel depressed again.

Unfortunately, there is no if. I don’t know when the bottom is, nor when the top is. I am just a small leek in the currency circle, just a small leek who is begging and rushing to give money and liquidity to the big guys.

Review this wave of losses

1. I thought that my leverage was low, the liquidation price was low, and I still had spot funds to cover the position, so I didn’t set a stop loss, thinking that I could resist it anyway. So after the first day of the plunge, I actually found that the rebound was weak, and I didn’t think about reducing my position or closing the position to reduce the loss.

2. Without a stop loss, I was worried about liquidation, so I added margin and opened positions several times in a row, hoping to lower the cost, but in the face of black swans, no matter how much money I had, it was not enough. There were big problems with position management. The mystery of the non-transmission of traditional Chinese medicine lies in the volume, and the mystery of the non-transmission of contracts lies in the position.

3. I didn’t consider the black swan when I laid out this wave of contracts. Actually, I did consider it, so I closed my positions without a blow-up. But when I really faced the black swan, I couldn’t suppress the fear at all. The root of the fear was that I had no money to add positions and cover positions, and the contract could not lie flat like the spot.

4. Looking back, the depth of several varieties of contracts was very poor. The daily trading volume was only about 5 million u. It was easy to get stuck very deep, but I didn’t pay attention.

5. There are many loopholes in my own trading system, but the root cause is that it cannot be executed well. It was originally either on the left or on the right, but it was on the left and on the right for a while during the operation.

6. There is no stop loss, no stop loss, or no stop loss.

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