According to ChainCatcher, the full-chain NFT issuance platform X-Mint has officially launched and reached a strategic cooperation with the decentralized cross-chain communication environment Vizing (Orbiter Finance). Based on its cross-chain infrastructure, it realizes the full-chain issuance and full-chain interoperability of NFTs. Currently, it has supported more than ten public chains. Users can perform various operations such as Mint, transfer, and trade the same series of NFT assets on any public chain, and can transfer multiple ecosystems in real time. At the same time, the platform will launch the first NFT community equity asset ORBGUY NFT under Orbiter on July 23 to empower its community users.

X-Mint is incubated by Singular Labs, and the team is committed to building it into the best launch platform for equity assets, providing services for various NFT equity assets including equity certificates, Gaming, and RWA.