Why was Binance the most optimistic about its development a few years ago? Compared with other exchanges, Binance is relatively the most honest, transparent, and willing to communicate with users on an equal footing. It does not avoid problems, but communicates frankly and actively solves them.

For example, I can't remember whether it was in 2019 or 2020, Binance lost thousands of BTC due to technical reasons, which was a very serious accident for the exchange. When Binance disclosed the news, I was a little surprised. I was not surprised by the loss of so many coins, but by Binance's handling of the loss of coins.

Because as far as I know, almost no exchange has lost coins before. Most of the practices after losing coins are to keep it secret, not release the news, or refuse to admit it, because they are worried about the user's later run. Then through a series of subsequent operations, find a way to fill the hole of the lost coins. Binance's approach is that CZ announced the exact number of lost coins, discussed several follow-up plans, and finally filled the hole with safe funds, while announcing the technical solution. Such transparent communication and solution really shocked me.