7.18 Market Insights

Yesterday's market was relatively small, and the 65,000 area has been under pressure and difficult to break through. Finally, it fell to the 63,300 line in the evening and rebounded. The overall decline was 1,700 points. Yesterday, I was bearish and shorted all the way, and finally I got the harvest in the evening. The current rebound is small. In terms of operation, continue to maintain a high-altitude thinking.

From the current daily trend, the previous continuous positive rush will usher in a negative line in the short term. The current high-level K-line has a cross star, which means that it will either change or continue to fall. In my opinion, the possibility of continuing is still relatively large.

In the 4-hour Bollinger Band channel, it has turned into a downward channel trend since the day before yesterday. It is currently in a state of parallel downward movement, with a weak and oscillating downward rhythm. You can continue to pay attention to the middle track position for shorting during the day.

It is recommended to short Bitcoin around 64300-64600, and the target is 63300-62000

It is recommended to short Ethereum around 3450-3470, and the target is 3330-3250#以太坊ETF批准预期