✍️It's okay to study anything haphazardly. But when it comes to finances, learn to be kind and responsible

Although it's a bit selfish, I want everyone involved in finance to learn and understand deeply.

Today, I was invited to advise a brother and some of his friends. That brother used to be a big boss in the import-export industry, both domestic and foreign affairs were great. In the eyes of others, the big guy, the boss... and his friends are the same.

I knew him at the end of 2019 when we were investing in stocks together. In 2020 Covid appeared and in 2021 his work was difficult. However, before that, he had little interest in investing in stocks and with good profits, he decided to invest. And luckily, 2021 is the year I earned the most from Crypto, he also earned a lot and decided to sell the company and quit working.

Because I earned nearly 40 garlic in just half a year. You should be determined to stay home and trade and invest. Everything will come, after the peak happened, the Downtrend...from stocks to crypto. Then he sold it all because he was afraid of further losses. Switch to Forex and Margin Crypto. Until now... when I asked him what trading method he used, he still couldn't answer because he was too fomo. There is research, but it's not significant because times of loss and negative times are psychological crises.

Looking for the straw called the holy grail and then reaching a dead end. Trade continuously and trade but don't stop to review and learn and get serious. I cursed a few times but it wasn't worth it, because my mind was trying to get rid of it. Just burn money. The total amount of money burned was more than 4.5 million $ ~ 115 billion VND. Now his wife left him, doesn't dare go out to meet anyone, and is living in a rented house...