Rollover strategy: Small capital can also make big money!

Today I will share with you a rollover strategy to teach you how to use small capital to leverage big profits.

Suppose you have accumulated takeaway income for half a year, totaling 5,000 yuan. Then you can take out 300 US dollars, about 2,000 RMB, and start your "rollover journey".

Invest 10 US dollars each time and use 100 times leverage. That's right, 10 US dollars.

Before placing a bet, be sure to make a firm judgment: bullish or bearish? Don't waver. If you lose 50 times in a row, it may mean that your judgment is wrong. It is recommended to go back and continue to deliver food until you are fully prepared.

But if you start to follow the trend after losing 20 times, then congratulations! If the market rises or falls by more than 1%, your 10-dollar investment can double to 20 US dollars.

At this time, you can take out 10 US dollars of profit and continue to invest with 100 times leverage. After another 1% fluctuation, the funds can rise to 40 US dollars, and 11% fluctuations may bring your assets close to 10,000 US dollars. During the whole process, you don't need to invest additional funds, just rely on the profit to "roll".

Bitcoin prices fluctuate frequently, and it is quite common to see a 10% rise or fall several times a month. It is recommended to set a clear goal, such as stopping after making $5,000 or $10,000, and only withdrawing profits without continuing to roll positions. Greed cannot be satisfied, and losing control may eventually lose all funds.

After a round of transactions, you may have made tens of thousands of dollars. At this time, stay calm and wait patiently until a definite ups and downs trend appears, which may take several months. Then, take out another $500 and start a new round of operations with a $10 investment amount.

If you encounter a one-sided market, it is not a foolish dream to make millions of dollars in a few days. But this opportunity only appears once every one or two years. Therefore, if you can't control yourself, lack patience, act impulsively, and trade contracts against your plan, it may eventually lead to a blow-up and heavy losses.

Rolling is not gambling, but a strategy. The key is to maintain patience and discipline, accurately grasp the opportunity, and trade step by step.

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Track opportunities, control wealth, and let the rolling strategy take you to fly!

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