Since Trump's distress, the crypto market has skyrocketed.

Some altcoins have rebounded by 30% in just two days.

Among them, the rebound of Meme coin is particularly fierce, with a one-day increase of 20%.

The logic of the market rise is that Trump's "survival" may increase his chances of becoming the next US president.

And his policy tendencies, such as interest rate cuts and support for cryptocurrencies, have a positive impact on the crypto market. The market is digesting this good information, so it continues to soar.

We also need to think in reverse: if Trump is really in danger, the United States may fall into turmoil, and our wallets will also be hit hard. This reminds us that there are always unforeseen risks in the market.

In the crypto market, asset allocation is the core of success. According to personal risk tolerance, we can choose different asset allocation strategies:

Aggressive investors: willing to bear 100% risk of loss, you can choose to invest in high-risk dog coins or participate in contract trading.

Conservative investors: risk resistance is between 10%-20%, suitable for fixed investment in mainstream currencies such as Bitcoin.

Conservative investors: can bear 30%-50% risk and expect to get corresponding returns, and should choose a combination of mainstream currencies and hot sectors.

For aggressive and conservative investors, it is recommended to adopt a 541 allocation strategy: allocate 50% of funds to mainstream currencies to ensure that funds are relatively safe and obtain stable returns

Allocate 40% of funds in hot tracks to pursue higher returns

The remaining 10% of funds can be flexibly allocated or used as a reserve fund.

Observation: bnx, xrp, alice, people, pepe.....

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