#今日市场观点 #山寨季何时到来? #ULTI

In the morning, I was still recharging my faith with my brothers, saying that ulti would soon reach 0.03, but it reached it in the afternoon. If there are brothers who have held it since Ang Ge first shouted 0.019 until now, I dare not imagine how great it would be to have a 50-point increase!

Ulti has now broken through the 0.03 position, but it has not stood firm. It is now fluctuating around 0.03. If it can stand firm, it will be unobstructed above and can directly see 0.045, which is also the point that Ang Ge said a few days ago.

In addition, Ang Ge saw a rumor that ulti is expected to be listed on Binance at the beginning of next month. If this news is true, then ulti will undoubtedly continue to pull up, and Ang Ge has nothing to say, only the word "add position"!

If any of you have bought ulti, or are still stuck with ulti, you can come to the Ange's small circle to have a look. We share information and recharge each other's faith!