$ETH #EthereumEFT


⚡️Ether (ETH) market data 📊Analysis📈:

From the daily level data📊, the Bollinger Bands running track, it is currently in a sideways and volatile market channel, but there are obvious signs of upward ⬆️…

At the same time, after several days of continuous oscillation and rise📈, BTC is currently stabilizing above 64,000!

This position is a strong support point, and it will continue to be bullish in the medium and long term📈.

If Ethereum (ETH) currently breaks through the pressure level of 3520, Ethereum will also lead to a leap-forward rise like the big cake!

At the same time, combined with the MACD🈴RSI indicators, it indicates that ETH will continue to be bullish in the next few days... Let's put it down🫳If it stands firm at 3445 at the end of the four-hour period, the next step is to look at the resistance level of 3520...

From the current overall market structure, our strategy is... [Low-to-Long]

Ether enters the market in batches in the 3390-3430 range;

The target is around 3500 first, and continue to hold if it breaks through 3520. During the whole process🀄️, you can adjust the position of the mobile stop profit at any time. Remember to keep a low position when it falls back. Just continue to increase the position

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