According to TechFlow, the CCData report shows that in June, the trading volume of centralized cryptocurrency exchanges fell by 21.8%, and the spot and derivatives trading volumes have been declining for the third consecutive month since March.

Total spot and derivatives trading volume across all centralized exchanges was $4.2 trillion in June, down 53% from the record $9 trillion set at the end of March.

The report noted that open interest on crypto derivatives exchanges fell sharply by 9.7% as a sharp drop in the price of Bitcoin and other crypto assets in June triggered a series of liquidations. Total futures trading volume at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME), the world's largest institutional derivatives exchange, also saw a significant decline, falling 11.5% to $103 billion in June.

The decline was mainly due to a sharp drop in the volume of Bitcoin and Ethereum futures contracts, which fell by 11.5% and 15.8%, respectively.