According to BlockBeats, on July 18, billionaire and well-known investor Mark Cuban posted on social media that Trump's support for cryptocurrency is good news, but it has not really affected the price of cryptocurrency. What drives the price of BTC is lower tax rates and tariffs. If history is a guide, the fundamental reason is inflation. Coupled with the global uncertainty of the US geopolitical role and the impact on the US dollar as a reserve currency.

Regarding the question of "how high it can go", Mark Cuban said that the price of BTC will be "much higher than imagined". Because the BTC market is global, the ultimate limit of supply is 21 million pieces, which can be fragmented without limit. When geopolitical uncertainty increases and the size of the US dollar as a reserve currency decreases, BTC will become a global "safe haven", which means that BTC may be something that countries and all of us want to buy as a means of protecting our savings. For a country that is already facing hyperinflation, this is not crazy. If things really go further than imagined, then BTC becomes a global currency.