After more than a year of generative AI boom, Amazon and its stakeholders are committed to promoting public-private collaboration to balance innovation and AI safety.

25 years - that is the time Amazon and many other American companies persistently laid the foundation bricks for AI, integrating machine learning into every corner of modern life. The emergence of generative AI is like a boost, bringing many opportunities but also full of challenges. Concerns about the downsides of new technology have exploded, urging the world to seek solutions to the balance problem between innovation and safety.

America is one of the pioneering countries to grasp and take action. Starting from a voluntary commitment with the participation of technology giants like Amazon, the Biden administration has made a strong push, promoting common efforts in building global frameworks and standards for AI with responsibility.

From the Senate policy roadmap to the G7 Hiroshima Code of Conduct to the AI ​​Safety Summit, the world is moving closer to a future where AI is developed and applied safely. , transparent and beneficial to humanity.

Pioneers from technology giants

Amazon is a prime example of this commitment. These include more than 500 research articles, research projects and scientific blogs on Responsible AI published, 70 Responsible AI features and capabilities released, and tens of thousands of hours of training. Create responsible AI for employees.

Not only Amazon, Google is also committed to 7 core principles towards AI for social benefit, avoiding bias, safety, transparency, accountability... Meanwhile, Microsoft focuses on principles of fairness, trust, safety, privacy, transparency and accountability in AI development.

Public-private collaboration: The key to the future of AI

To exploit the full potential of AI safely and profitably, close collaboration between the public and private sectors is a prerequisite. There are several solutions mentioned:

First, all companies building, using or leveraging AI must commit to deploying it responsibly. Second, there needs to be transparency from companies about how AI is developed and deployed, and building trust between the public and private sectors about safe and responsible AI practices. Finally, cooperation and information sharing between companies and governments on safety and trust issues is critical.

AI has great potential in solving humanity's difficult problems. However, to turn potential into reality, the entire international community is needed, with the core being close cooperation between the public and private sectors.

Commitments and efforts like those made by the White House are a positive sign, showing that people are on the right track in creating a future in which AI develops sustainably, safely and responsibly. responsibility, bringing practical benefits to all humanity.