Overnight, BTC stood at 65k. I basically kept injecting positive energy into this wave of decline and correction, and personally practiced the eight-character strategy of adding positions when the market falls. Only those who firmly hold on to the long-term will not miss every rapid rise.

In the past five or six years, I have seen countless people fail while writing furiously through the bull and bear markets. Although happy people are all similar, and unfortunate people are each unfortunate in their own way, all these losers of all kinds have some common characteristics, such as always complaining, always waiting, never learning, and being keen on taking shortcuts, etc.

Looking at the comments under the articles in recent days, all kinds of negative energy are overwhelming. Some complain about the bad environment, some are pessimistic and desperate and think that the bull market has ended, and some are venting their emotions by irrational abuse. Except for the kind of "get paid to post and kill your whole family", the rest of the negative energy commentators are failures in life. Rather than saying that they are full of negative energy because of failure, it is better to say that they fail because of their negative energy.

He who conquers others is powerful, but he who conquers himself is strong. The spirit of the Chinese nation has always been to strive for self-improvement and to carry the world with virtue. God has the virtue of loving life, but he only helps those who help themselves. If you want to succeed, you must first cultivate yourself, get rid of the negative energy in your body, and actively inject positive energy into yourself. Study hard and love labor. Work responsibly, love the country and the family. Strengthen your body and embrace life. Do not do decadent things, do not say discouraging words. Get rid of bad habits and cultivate good habits. Do not be arrogant when you win, and do not be discouraged when you lose. Do not refrain from doing good deeds because they are small, and do not do evil deeds because they are small.

Remember: People who accumulate good deeds will surely have good fortune. People who accumulate bad deeds will surely have disaster. The net of heaven is vast and wide, and nothing can escape it. Let us encourage each other.

Below, we will introduce the "21 Rules of Bitcoin" summarized by Michael Saylor, the owner of MicroStrategy, a well-known BTC hoarder. This is his suggestion to provide insights and guidance for understanding and investing in Bitcoin.


Article 1: Understanding and criticism.

People who understand Bitcoin buy it, and people who don't criticize it. If you truly understand Bitcoin, you can't help but buy it. Critics often lack this understanding and are skeptical of Bitcoin.


Article 2: Initial Objection.

Everyone is against Bitcoin before they support it. Many individuals and institutions were initially against Bitcoin. This opposition often stems from a lack of understanding or fear of change. At first, people may be dismissive of Bitcoin, but as they learn more about it, they begin to see its value and benefits.


Article 3: Keep learning.

You’ve mastered Bitcoin when you realize that you will never fully understand it. There is always more to learn about Bitcoin, whether it’s its technology, economics, or social impact.


Article 4: Use chaos as motivation.

Bitcoin thrives on chaos. The randomness and huge probability of private keys contribute to Bitcoin's security. This chaos ensures Bitcoin's resilience and decentralization.


Article 5: Win-win for all.

Bitcoin is the only game in the casino where everyone can win. Unlike the traditional financial system, where the house always has the upper hand, Bitcoin provides a level playing field for all participants.


Article 6: Go all out.

Bitcoin cannot protect you if you don't wear armor. You need to be fully invested in Bitcoin to gain its protective effects. Partial investment will not protect you from financial instability.


Article 7: True ownership.

Bitcoin is the only thing you can truly own. Unlike physical assets, which can be confiscated or restricted, Bitcoin is protected by your private keys and truly belongs to you.


Article 8: Prices are what they deserve.

Everyone buys Bitcoin at a price that they deserve. Your understanding of Bitcoin and your timing will affect the price you pay. The sooner you understand the value of Bitcoin, the better the price will be.


Article 9: Safe investment.

Buy Bitcoin with money you can't afford to lose. Saylor turns conventional wisdom on its head by arguing that Bitcoin should be a primary investment, not a speculative one.


Article 10: Escape from the "Matrix" (Note: the powerful system in the movie "The Matrix").

Your ticket to escape the Matrix is ​​denominated in Bitcoin. Bitcoin offers a way to escape the traditional financial system, giving you freedom and control over your wealth.


Article 11: Selective Insight.

This means that only those who truly need it will gain knowledge and insights about Bitcoin. People at the top of the Cantillon Effect, such as politicians with significant power or leaders of large banks, do not need to understand Bitcoin. These people are already well off and will continue to be so because the Cantillon Effect allows them to never lack for fiat currency. Only those who need it will learn about Bitcoin and understand why it is necessary.

Cantillon effect explained

Let's explain the Cantillon Effect here to clarify: In the current fiat currency system, it refers to the fact that those close to the creation of money benefit first. Newly created money benefits those close to the source before inflation, allowing them to profit more than others. What's interesting here is that people often say that you need a lot of wealth to invest in Bitcoin. However, Article 11 shows that those who need to save and protect their value are those who quickly understand and adopt Bitcoin, not those who thrive in the current system.


Article 12: Destruction of Models.

This applies not only to financial models, but also to political models. All models as we currently know them will break down. It's like the "no spoons" analogy from The Matrix. Once you dive deeper into Bitcoin, many other aspects of the world and financial system become clear and the old models break down.


No. 13: Orange Pill.

Bitcoin is the solution to the problems of the current fiat currency system. This analogy to The Matrix suggests that Bitcoin is the solution to the economic problems we face today.


Article 14: Positive Promotion.

If Bitcoin is as good as we think it is, there is no need to fight the current system. Emphasize the benefits of Bitcoin instead of attacking fiat currencies.


Article 15: General Availability.

Bitcoin is accessible to everyone, including those you might consider political or personal opponents. There is no third party that determines who can or cannot use Bitcoin.


Article 16: Bitcoin Thinking.

Stop thinking in terms of fiat currencies. When you start thinking about Bitcoin as a currency, you’ll be more selective with your investments.


Article 17: Immutable Bitcoin.

Bitcoin changes your perspective, your thinking, and your lifestyle. You won't change Bitcoin, but it will definitely change you.


Article 18: Laser focus.

The Cyclops eye symbolizes dedication to Bitcoin. This dedication can help you stay away from scams and misinformation.


Article 19: Respect Bitcoin.

If you don’t respect Bitcoin, you risk disgracing yourself. Many people who have tried to change or discredit Bitcoin have ended up looking foolish.


Article 20: Never sell.

Don't sell your Bitcoin, especially not to a large corporation or government. Keep it as a hedge against the fiat system and inflation.


Article 21: Spread the love.

Spread the word about Bitcoin with love and patience. If you have talked to someone about Bitcoin, it means you care about them. Please support them with kindness as they learn about Bitcoin.

