FXS is a coin that has been washed up quite badly. The spot price has dropped from a high of 46 to 2.57, a drop of nearly 20 times. At present, the trading volume has increased significantly. The project party is building a mouse warehouse, and there is also a repurchase. The subsequent Ethereum ETF hype should also have a good return.

There is basically no unlocking of tokens. The total amount is 99.68 million, the circulation is 80 million, the circulation rate is more than 90%, and the market value is 200 million. After adjusting for so long, the project party has to pull the market if it wants to ship.

The stop loss is 2 and the target can be 3-5 or more. #FXS #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业?