Bitcoin Finance (BTF) coin is a soft fork of BTC. It is distributed at a 1:1 ratio with BTC, with a total of 21 million. It removes the segregated witness and upgrades the block limit to 8M, and then to 32M. It aims to solve the problems of high transaction fees, slow confirmation, and poor practicality in the old version of BTC system through on-chain expansion, so as to fulfill BTC's promise as "peer-to-peer electronic cash".

Some features and related information of BTF coin are as follows:-Using asymmetric encryption technology: using a pair of keys (public key and private key) to ensure the security of transactions and verify the identity of traders. The public key is similar to an account number and can be made public; the private key is similar to a password and needs to be kept properly. -Using hash algorithm: used to verify the authenticity and integrity of data. Any slight change in the original information will result in a complete change in the hash value. In Bitcoin, each block is connected to form a blockchain through hash values, which ensures that the information on the chain cannot be tampered with. If you want to tamper with the information in a block, you need to modify the information in all subsequent blocks one by one, which will completely change the information of the original blockchain, equivalent to generating a new one - Proof of Work: Prove the legitimacy of the block through a certain amount of computing work, thereby determining the reliability and authority of the transaction record. #美国大选如何影响加密产业? $#美国大选如何影响加密产业?