With the booming development of Web3 and the crypto industry, more and more project owners are seeking to cooperate with opinion leaders (KOLs, or Key Opinion Leaders) to enhance brand awareness and market influence. However, finding the right KOL is a difficult task for project owners. In order to solve these challenges, the Mid-Levels KOL Club came into being, dedicated to building a professional and reliable KOL cooperation platform for the Web3 industry.

who are we

Founded in 2024, Mid-Levels KOL Club is a service organization that brings together outstanding opinion leaders from around the world and has a large community. Team members come from Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam and other regions, and have rich project experience and extensive KOL resources in the fields of crypto asset investment and research, community operation, branding and marketing.

Through the Banshan KOL Club, we provide complete marketing and promotion cases, KOL customized solutions, full specialist tracking services, as well as services such as institutional first-level investment, exchange cooperation promotion, and data increment. Project parties can reach out to different groups of people and KOLs in the field can significantly increase the exposure and influence of the project.

At present, our KOL resources cover more than 3,000 real and reliable KOLs around the world, especially in Asia, where we have more than 2,000 KOL resources and the number of fans of the cooperative KOLs exceeds 50 million. The Mid-Levels KOL Club has built its own high-quality promotion and publicity channels. Taking Space as an example, the maximum number of online users exceeds 5,000, and each publicity and publicity event has more than 50,000 exposures; the number of self-built WeChat communities exceeds 6,000, and the number of self-built Telegram communities exceeds 3,500.

We found some issues

——The projects are of varying quality, and KOLs face cooperation risks: In the current crypto market, fraudulent projects appear frequently, making it difficult to guard against them. However, KOLs lack background check experience and are prone to endorse bad projects, leading to investment losses and reputation risks.

For example, some fraudulent projects use high returns to attract KOLs to promote their projects, but these KOLs lack professional due diligence methods, which ultimately causes huge losses to their fans and investors.

——Differences in KOL capabilities lead to unsatisfactory project promotion results: KOLs have different capabilities and influences. Without in-depth research, it is difficult for project parties to understand the true situation of KOLs, resulting in poor cooperation results, waste of money and time, and even possible leakage of key project information.

For example, a project team cooperated with a KOL for promotion without sufficient investigation. However, because the actual influence of the KOL was far lower than expected, the promotion effect was poor. At the same time, the core business secrets of the project were leaked, causing irreparable losses.

——The two parties lack constraints and the contract execution lacks guarantees: Due to the lack of trust, disputes are prone to occur during the contract execution process. It is difficult to make up for the project losses when a single KOL defaults. The project execution lacks full-process guarantees and the results are difficult to achieve as expected.

For example, after signing a contract with a project owner, some KOLs failed to fulfill their promotion obligations on time due to various reasons, causing the project owner to miss opportunities during the critical period of market promotion, which ultimately affected the overall progress and market performance of the project. In some projects, due to poor communication, emotional outbursts occurred during the progress of the project, and eventually the fans turned against the KOLs.

How do we solve the problem?

In response to the current market problems, Mid-Levels KOL Club is committed to exploring solutions at the following levels:

——Strengthening trust as a third party: As a third-party platform, we can effectively enhance the trust between the project party and KOL and ensure the smooth progress of cooperation. For example, a project party once cooperated with a KOL who was not certified by the Mid-Levels KOL Club. As a result, due to the lack of trust, there were many disputes in the cooperation. Since joining the Mid-Levels KOL Club, through our third-party guarantee, the cooperation between the project party and the KOL has become smoother, reducing unnecessary friction and risks. Communicate again and again, Mid-Levels plays the role of a Communication Manager, resolving disputes and eliminating confrontation.

——Enhance KOL evaluation capabilities: Through evaluation and influence analysis of KOLs, we help project parties select the most appropriate KOLs to avoid resource waste and information leakage. For example, a certain cryptocurrency project once chose a KOL with insufficient influence, resulting in poor promotion results. After joining the Mid-Levels KOL Club, we provided them with a detailed KOL evaluation report, and the project team finally selected a KOL who highly met the needs of the project, which significantly improved the marketing effect.

——Guarantee the execution of the contract: Through our institutional endorsement and multi-party cooperation, we can ensure the smooth execution of the contract, provide tracking services throughout the process, and adjust the plan in time to achieve the best results. A project party once encountered the problem of KOL breach of contract during the cooperation with KOL, which led to market promotion being hindered. Through the intervention of the Mid-Levels KOL Club, we not only helped the project party resolve the contract dispute, but also provided alternative solutions to ensure the continued promotion of the project. There is always a Plan B, which is the core of Mid-Levels' service.

We use technology and big data to speak more truthfully

Mid-Levels KOL Club uses cutting-edge technology and big data to provide comprehensive marketing solutions for project owners:

a. AI-enabled market insights

We use advanced artificial intelligence technology to analyze market trends and community sentiment to provide project owners with in-depth market insights. AI algorithms can identify key market dynamics, predict potential growth opportunities, collect market feedback, and adjust marketing strategies in real time to ensure that project owners' promotion activities are always one step ahead.

b. Blockchain technology ensures contract execution

We use blockchain technology to ensure the transparency and security of contracts. Through smart contract co-management and other methods, we provide a decentralized and tamper-proof cooperation platform for project parties and KOLs. This not only enhances the trust between the two parties, but also ensures the strict implementation of the contract terms.

c. Big data-driven KOL precision matching

Combining big data analysis, we have developed an accurate KOL matching system. This system comprehensively evaluates the KOL's fan base, interaction rate and professionalism, and recommends the most suitable KOL partners to the project party. Through data-driven matching, we help the project party achieve more efficient and targeted marketing.

We wake up three times a day to improve our service capabilities

The Mid-Levels KOL Club relies on powerful technology and big data support to achieve in-depth analysis and precise matching of KOLs and projects. Through cooperation with more than 200 well-known VCs and more than 100 blockchain media around the world, it continuously enhances its own capabilities and moats:

——KOL database update. We continuously update the KOL database, mark excellent KOLs, and blacklist bad KOLs to ensure the quality and safety of cooperation.

——Project selection. We strictly select partners and only work with reliable teams. We are not price-oriented, but based on project quality and team reputation. We also use blockchain technology to ensure transparent contract execution and rights protection.

——Price optimization and service upgrade. We continuously optimize pricing strategies, achieve zero intermediary fee allocation, and launch more flexible service upgrade solutions to meet the needs of different project parties.

——Growing our own influence. We quickly increase our number of users and influence through self-produced content and self-operated activities. Our content creation team and event planning team will provide customers with high-quality original content and customized event plans.

In the near future, the Mid-Levels KOL Club will also launch a certified credit card (with visa function) for global KOLs and institutions, providing various benefits and convenient services to members who join and support the Mid-Levels Club.

We believe that through the professional services and technical support of the Mid-Levels KOL Club, we can help project parties achieve more efficient, safer and more valuable KOL marketing.

Welcome to follow the official X account of Mid-Levels KOL Club (@MLKolClubCN) and contact us (TG:@JMandy, Email:midlevelsclub@gmail.com) to open a new chapter of cooperation.