How do people who trade in cryptocurrencies get ripped off?

To put it bluntly, it can be summed up in one sentence: they can’t be patient and make money slowly.

The poor are either all-in or on the way to “collect money for all-in”.

Their understanding of position control is probably “the price of bitcoin has fallen by 1%, and I’m stupid if I don’t add to my position”… and then add to it until it explodes.

Their understanding of risk control is probably “it’s okay, this little money is half a month’s salary, so I won’t play anymore”, and then they eat dirt and lose money every month.

The understanding of opportunity is roughly "hurry up or I will miss it", and then I am so anxious that I can't even wait to save more capital and throw it in...

The understanding of making money is roughly "make 10 times today, make 10 times tomorrow, and make 10 times the day after tomorrow..."

When I make a little profit, I feel like I am simply Buffett's reincarnation, and then I dare to open a larger multiple next time...

And often when I lose, I look for reasons all over the world: the Federal Reserve, Russia and Ukraine, Palestine and Israel... In short, it's not my time, fate and luck, I can't resist it...

We leeks just know what it is, but is it really related to our liquidation? Has the currency circle really had a market that has risen without experiencing a wash in all these years?

#美国大选如何影响加密产业? #TON #BTC #币安7周年

At present, the bull market is surging, and we have opportunities to share passwords every day.

Again, if you don’t know what to do in the bull market, click on my avatar and follow me. I will share the bull market spot planning, contract passwords, and free of charge.

I need fans, and you need references. It’s better to follow me than to guess blindly.