I had tea and chatted with a senior on the weekend. He is also a friend who has been speculating in cryptocurrencies for many years. After several ups and downs, he can now talk and laugh freely. His trading is smooth. It took only half a year to make 5 million from 50,000. Even in a falling market, he can still make a small profit. After an in-depth chat, I found that there are many trading skills. Lao Jiu summarized them and pointed out the problems. There is not much content, but it is all dry goods. I believe you will gain something after reading it carefully!

In the currency circle, you often encounter volatile market conditions, which are jumping up and down on the K-line chart. It is easy to make mistakes when chasing ups and downs, especially the volatile market in the past two months. If you are not careful, you will fall into the trap of the main force. Once you buy, it will fall, and once you sell, it will rise. The main force uses this method to wash away the chips in everyone's hands. As the saying goes, knowing yourself and the enemy will ensure victory in a hundred battles. You must have a countermeasure; Lao Jiu will share with you the 15-minute moving average technique today, specifically to deal with volatile market conditions. (This method is suitable for contract players)  


First, understand the essence of this method and seize opportunities by taking advantage of short-term volatility turning points; 15min refers to the 15-minute K-line chart, which can more clearly understand the context of the oscillating market.


Secondly, the purpose of this method is to reduce costs; in the case of constant changes in the general trend, through small-band operations, high-selling and low-buying can earn price differences, seize short-term opportunities, and reduce the costs incurred when holding for a long time. If you keep holding positions, it will also reduce the utilization rate of funds, which is also an invisible cost.


Finally, you need to understand the detailed application of the skills; in the 15min K-line chart, combine 3 moving averages: 5MA, 20MA and 60MA to grasp the buying and selling points. In order to make everyone understand better, Lao Jiu made a picture introduction, so that it can be clearer and clearer at a glance.


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