Do some popular science

The Kelly Criterion is a money management formula used to determine the optimal proportion of bets that should be made to maximize long-term capital growth.

The Kelly formula is designed to balance risk and reward, avoiding the risk of bankruptcy while achieving optimal growth of your money.

All assumptions of Kelly's formula include:

Independent gambling or investment opportunities

certain probability

Repeat continuously

unlimited funds

Not bankrupt

Stable return on investment

Market liquidity is sufficient

The most important thing is not to go bankrupt

Therefore, the investment ratio calculated by the Carrier formula is more like an upper limit, and each order must be lower than this value.

Add in the frequency of transactions and your own cash flow to evaluate better.

Assume that the monthly income is 1 unit

Trading opportunities that occur once a month

You can probably fight up to 2 units (assuming a 50% win rate

Don’t make estimates assuming your win rate is over 50

It's better to be conservative