The final blow: The bullet shot at Trump, but killed the bear market, BTC changed the market

When BTC was rising hesitantly at 58-59k overnight, a gunshot tore the atmosphere of Trump's campaign rally in Pennsylvania. His habit of shaking his head and using rich body language during speeches saved his life at a critical moment. All the coincidences combined have a profound impact on the direction of history. The bullet whizzed past Trump's ears, leaving a few streaks of blood on his face.

If you survive a disaster, you will have good fortune in the future. After this shot, Trump got the chance to be the next US president!

Trump's assassination may directly change the course of Crypto's history - Musk posted multiple tweets for the first time to express full support for Trump, and both of them are cryptocurrency-friendly people - After the news of the attack was announced, Bitcoin rose by more than 2.5% to nearly 60,000, Trump concept coins all rose sharply within an hour, and the value of Trump's wallet cryptocurrency holdings rose above 10 million US dollars;

After being cheated repeatedly, Sun Ge shared "How to Identify Scammers in Life" with everyone, and then spoke again: "Support Trump"!

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BTC rose in response, once breaking 60,000 dollars again. The higher the probability of Trump's victory, the faster the Fed cuts interest rates, and the greater the momentum for BTC to rise.

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