Are there any more words⁉️

I just want to ask you if you have any extra words to say🤑🤑Especially today, the long position is profitable and I have completed two waves of long and short double kills without any leaks🤑🤑🤑

Please take a close look at the article I sent to you on Friday. The whole article does not exceed 200 words, and every word is used very appropriately. Look carefully at how I described the market at that time. Bitcoin's daily line will turn from a negative line to a positive line, and it is clearly stated that the daily line on the 12th will turn from a negative line to a positive line. Right⁉️

On the night of the CPI announcement on the 11th, we issued a short-selling order to everyone, reminding everyone to enter the Ethereum short position at 3206. At that time, the highest price of Ethereum rose to 3215. It can be said that the pressure level we gave was not bad at all, and then the rate of sudden decline was 200 points. We entered the market with a short position at 3206, and the lowest price fell to 3058. This is the support level that I gave to everyone. Is it going to rise or fall to around 308 soon? So after we told everyone on Friday, the short position was successfully closed, and we reminded everyone that 3058 would start to rise, so long positions were entered, completing a wave of long and short double kills. Many people said that I asked everyone to short and long at this position. They said that I shouted both rising and falling ⁉️

Is that so? Please see clearly, we have been saying that this is a pressure point since 3206, asking everyone to short. From 3206 to 3058, we then shouted to go long. Within the entire range, we made a huge floating profit of 160 points, and then we went long. And we said it very clearly in the article that the daily line on the 12th turned from falling to rising, forming a large-scale reversal. It was very clear. What is a reversal? It is very fast, so here we make a profit of 160 points and then go long, and complete a wave of long and short kills along the position of 3058. The whole logic is very strict. It is a wave of long and short kills without leaks. It is very perfect. Including today, our long orders have been successfully pointed out. You can see Figure 2. We have issued a long order to take profit near 3222. Today’s highest point is 3225. The profit was successfully taken near the highest point. At the same time, short. Just entered the market. This can be shown to everyone in advance. We re-entered the short order here. It is still the pressure position I gave you 3206~3256

Logically coherent👌

#美国6月CPI大幅降温 #BTC下跌分析