I finally found the reason why the cows didn't come!!

No wonder the cows didn't want to come. Today, July 13, a fan submitted such a thing. On the street, someone grilled a live cow on the spot. Insiders: The screams of the live cows made passers-by cry!

On the street of a certain place, someone grilled a live cow on the spot. The griller first tied a live cow to an iron rack, then piled firewood under the live cow and grilled it.

The live cows being grilled screamed one after another, and passers-by cried.

From the photos, the lower body of the live cow has been burnt.

The above is a general process of this incident.

The reason why the cows didn't come is that they were 🔥 killed by this group of people. It's so hateful‼ ️

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