#美联储何时降息? #BTC下跌分析 #TON

Bull market investment strategy

1. Once the rise begins, it will never end easily, so don't be afraid of the big pullback in the early stage. The most feared thing is to buy more and more, and you will be trapped by a big pullback.

2. How big the bull market is, try to wait for a pullback to go all in.

3. Be sure to do a good job of position management, and lay out several sectors, don't put all your positions in one sector.

4. The market always rises in disagreement, and unanimous optimism is often a risk in the short term.

5. Don't always think about short-term high-selling and low-buying. Once the bull market starts, you will find that you can't get on the train at all, and short-term investment is not as good as others who make money lying down.

6. Keep a stable mentality. You will find that every time there is a big correction, the market will panic and say that the bull market has run away. You will encounter at least three or four big corrections before the bull market may end. Even if the bull market ends, there will generally be a big rebound from oversold prices. So in fact, don't be afraid, you must have a pattern.