The market trend on Saturday was not different from our expectations. After hitting the 58,000 line at midnight, the price of Bitcoin fell back to around 57,100 under pressure. It was a slow recovery of the upward fluctuation overnight. The market trend from this morning was basically oscillating around the 58,000 mark. The trend of Ethereum white disk was slightly ups and downs. When it rose to around 3140 in the morning, according to the high-altitude thinking in the morning, I decisively arranged a short-term high-altitude order to enter the market, and then it fluctuated downward as expected, and exited with a small profit after taking a small space. This is the oscillating market. We should let it go naturally when placing orders. If there is an opportunity to make a layout and make a profit, we should try to seize it. We can't waste time here.

At present, the small-level structure of the big cake is still in a state of anxiety, the K-line changes frequently, and the market fluctuates around 58,000. In the past two days, the magnetic attraction effect of this position has been continued on the weekend. The pulling timeline of the small-level structure is long, and the sawing and flat trajectory gradually evolves to the large level. The hourly Bollinger Bands are closed again in stages, and the market operation space is increasingly compressed. This state may continue until the working day; at the news level, the German government's big cake holdings have been cleared, and the panic in the market has been temporarily alleviated. The future market will depend on the impact of the "Mentougou Incident". In the short term, we can still pay attention to the downward trend of the market. The weekly K structure is still relatively healthy for the shorts. The layout of the short ideas is still carried out in the afternoon and evening.

Pie: short around 58100-58300, looking at 57200 Ether: short around 3135-3155, looking at 3070

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