Are you ready to play with the altcoin market?

Hey, investors, do you want to shine in the next altcoin market? Don't worry, let me give you some tips and take you flying!

Tips for long-term investors:

No matter how much or how little money you have, the first task is to lock most of your positions in BTC and ETH. They are the two giants in the digital currency world and are as stable as Mount Tai. Next, you can consider BNB and SOL, which are also quite promising. As for the last small part of the funds, if you think you are an adventurer, then go and pick some high-quality altcoins, maybe there will be unexpected surprises!

Startup password for altcoins:

Listen, the spring of most altcoins will come in October 2023. By then, you have to be as sharp as a cheetah and select popular altcoins from those high-quality tracks that are resistant to declines in callbacks. For example, meme in the BTC ecosystem and meme in the SOL ecosystem are all potential stocks!

Stay away from the relics of the "old times":

Remember, don't touch those products of the "old times", such as LTC, BCH, ETC, EOS, XRP, etc. They are like outdated mobile phones, no matter how hard you try, you can't return to the peak. Also, try not to buy those "old mainstream coins" defi track altcoins, and those so-called "VC coins". They are often tricks, don't let your hard-earned money go down the drain.

Are you looking forward to the summer of BTC ecology? :

Just like the last round of bull market, the spring of defi began in 2019, but the real big outbreak was in the summer of 2020. This time, I firmly believe that the BTC ecology will also usher in its summer. It's just a matter of time. So, if you want to make a big splash in altcoins, you must invest the most attention and funds in this ecology. Believe me, you won't regret it!

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Those who like contracts or spot can come and chat with me.

My points are very accurate, and old fans know what my strength is.

After the market fell sharply, Sanjin also ambushed some potential coins that are ready to explode.

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