According to Foresight News, the Anti-Fraud Center of the Shangdang Branch of the Changzhi Public Security Bureau, with the assistance of the Cyber ​​Security Brigade of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, recently successfully cracked a money laundering gang using virtual currency and arrested 11 criminal suspects, involving an amount of more than 2 million yuan. Upon investigation, it was found that the gang members were all locals in Changzhi. They made profits by buying virtual currency at a low price and then selling it at a high price. They then cashed out the funds involved in the case in many banks in Xi'an, Taiyuan and other cities. The police went to Xiaodian District, Taiyuan City, Jingle County, Xinzhou City and other places to carry out the arrest work. After interrogation, the gang members confessed to the crimes they committed. Criminal compulsory measures have been taken against the members of the fraud and money laundering gang, and the case is currently under further investigation.