🚀🚀🚀Rocket man Elon Musk has made another move! According to Odaily Planet Daily, Musk has donated to a super political action committee called America PAC. Although the specific amount is still unknown, people familiar with the matter described the amount as huge. 🔔🔔🔔It is worth noting that this committee is for Trump's election, and Musk has previously stated that he will not provide funds for Trump or Biden's campaigns.

📅📅📅The next time the committee needs to disclose the list of donations is July 15. Prior to this, Trump had surpassed his rival Biden in fundraising. And Musk has not publicly supported any candidate for the 2024 election.

💰💰💰Musk's decision to donate this time has created an opportunity for himself to become an important funder of the Republican Party. It seems that this important figure in the blockchain industry is influencing the global political landscape in his own way. 🌍🌍🌍