A transaction is either a success or a failure. Regardless of whether it is a success or a failure, we must proceed to the next transaction. Trading is that simple, but it is definitely not easy.
The more you know, the less chance you have of success.
You must adjust your mindset so that you firmly believe in these five basic truths. I will guide you through the three stages of a trader's development.

The first stage is the mechanical stage.
At this stage, you need to build confidence in your environment. Learn how to execute and develop your own trading system. Train your mind to think in terms of probability. Create a strong and unshakable belief that you can become a long-term successful and awesome trader.

Stage 2: The transaction enters the subjective stage.
Once you have completed the first stage of practice, you enter the subjective trading stage.
This stage is very free, and you must learn how to monitor the content in which you are prone to make mistakes.

Stage 3 is the intuitive stage.
Trade the top stages of development by feel. Just like earning a black belt in martial arts.
Because intuition is something that happens automatically and does not require rational knowledge. The sense of what is about to happen is not the same as what we know rationally.
Strive to develop a mindset that is most conducive to receiving and acting on your intuitive impulses#美国6月CPI大幅降温 #币安7周年 #美联储何时降息? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币