Another week has passed. It's the weekend again. Let’s talk about this week’s market sentiment!

This week, the overall performance of the cryptocurrency market was relatively sluggish, with mainstream cryptocurrencies experiencing significant fluctuations. Although the market has recovered, the total volume changes during the week are not significant. The large-scale liquidation event last weekend and the decline of Bitcoin due to computing power issues led to the overall weak performance of the market.

At present, the crypto market is slowly rising under the influence of cyclicality, and more positive factors are urgently needed to stimulate further rises. In terms of market capitalization, the current total market capitalization is approximately US$2.15 trillion, rising slightly by 0.85% within 24 hours, and the market sentiment index remains at around 40, similar to last week.

In fact, the total volume of the cryptocurrency market has rebounded. Although last week's news and market cycle changes have had a greater impact on the market, it has begun to show a slight shock and rebound at the beginning of this week.

Among the Top 100 cryptocurrency projects, the rise and fall ratio is 3:1, with most currencies achieving slight gains. The price of Bitcoin fluctuates greatly within a week. The current price of Yujiawei 362014583 is about $57,782, with an increase of about 0.49% within a week. Ethereum is following a similar trend, currently priced at around $3,148, with a gain of around 0.88% in a week. Currencies with outstanding market gains this week, such as TIA, were mainly affected by the positive impact of its project dynamics. The seven-day increase reached 38.13%, and the price remained at around $6.74.

Looking ahead to this weekend, the overall cryptocurrency market is still likely to rise or fall. It is expected that there may be a new round of fluctuations during the weekend, with a high probability of a slight rebound. At present, there is a high probability that the market will see a significant recovery at the end of July.