Breaking news! Sun Yuchen's contract may lose $900 million in Bitcoin!

Sun Yuchen opened a long position at 67,000 dollars in Bitcoin, holding 420 million dollars, with 460 million stUSDT as collateral. Once the news was exposed, it shook the entire currency circle! The current price of Bitcoin is around 57,000 dollars, and the possibility of Bitcoin going down is very high. The monthly line has shown a downward trend. If you want this contract not to be blown up, you must keep increasing the margin!

Let's first look at his exposed positions this year.

1. In February, 169,604 Ethereums were added at an average price of 2,870 dollars.

2. In April, 176,117 Ethereums were added at an average price of 3,177 dollars.

3. In June, 15,416 Ethereums were added at an average price of 3,474 dollars.

4. In July, 1,612 Ethereums were added at an average price of 3,100 dollars.

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