Some friends are worried that yesterday's positive CPI news caused the US stock market to fall. Is it because the market began to trade in a recession? In fact, it is not the case.

Yesterday, the Russell 2000 index rose sharply, indicating that investors have anticipated the upcoming rate cut.

Previously, technology stocks were popular as defensive assets. Now investors believe that the Federal Reserve will enter a defensive rate cut phase, which is good for the market, so they start buying small-cap stocks.

In layman's terms, when the economy is bad, friends mainly invest in BTC and ETH to avoid the decline of altcoins due to insufficient liquidity.

When the environment is expected to improve, fewer people invest in BTC and ETH, and everyone is more willing to bet on altcoins. Strategy Understanding--Research Institute--599695450 This trend may be reflected in the currency circle a little later.

#美国6月CPI大幅降温 #德国政府转移比特币 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划