ETH and BTC have been clearly explained to everyone in great detail and detail‼ ️Even the points are accurate to the single digit⚠️

If I send it like this, you can't make money. Listen to me and leave the currency circle😅

Ethereum's weekly entity yesterday, the big positive line reached the highest point, I clearly told you that the weekly line will close after the cpi‼ ️Is it closing now‼ ️

The public advance cpi inserted 3206 to 3236, and the cpi was announced last night. The pin was 3216, right in the center, and fell violently📉200 points

Bitcoin, I said a wide range of fluctuations from 54700 to 59800, and the highest point yesterday was around 59700‼ ️If it is right in the highest point, you can't get it, who can you make a fortune with?

#美国6月CPI大幅降温 #美联储何时降息?