The current price of BTC is 56790, and the market is at a critical turning point:

Technical form interpretation: BTC’s 5-day and 10-day moving averages have recently completed two significant interactions, which is a clear signal that major changes are about to occur in the market. Investors need to pay close attention to the development of this technical form to seize the opportunity for upcoming changes.

Strategy evaluation within the shock range: Currently, BTC continues to fluctuate within the range of 58,500 to 56,200. Today, the game between the long and short parties in this range is particularly intense, and its effectiveness deserves further observation. For investors who have adopted a high-short or low-long strategy, it is important to flexibly adjust positions according to market dynamics to cope with possible changes.

Market outlook and strategic layout for next week:

Trend review and verification: The recent trend of BTC is highly consistent with our expectations. The day before yesterday and yesterday, we accurately predicted the market's rise and fall, and successfully guided investors in the group to achieve profits through short orders. In the article, we elaborated on the determination methods and specific points of high-altitude and low-long strategies, providing investors with powerful operational guidance.

Daily level trend analysis: From the daily level, BTC's 5-day moving average and 10-day moving average have completed two key intersections, indicating that the market is about to enter a change window. Next week, we are expected to witness major moves in the market. Investors need to pay special attention to the appearance of characteristic K lines. Whether it is a big positive line or a big negative line, it may be an excellent time to enter the spot market and increase positions.

Friday special program: Today on Friday, we have specially prepared a 10-minute video explanation program. In the program, we will sort out the current market operating ideas in detail to help investors better grasp the pulse of the market. We encourage everyone to actively participate in learning, because the starting point of profit always begins with continuous learning and accumulation.

Short-term pressure and support levels: Currently, the short-term pressure level faced by BTC is between 58640 and 59220, while the short-term support level is between 56200 and 55750. Investors need to fully consider the impact of these key points when operating.

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