A friend shared his experience in the cryptocurrency circle: from an initial investment of 380,000, he once lost only 60,000, and now his assets have reached 10 million! He summarized several valuable experiences, and I hope these will be helpful to you too!

1. Don't rush to stop loss when the market falls sharply in the early morning. Usually this is the result of overreaction to the bad news the night before, and you can wait for the market to repair and reverse later. And when the market rises sharply at the end of the day, don't blindly chase the rise, because some main players may tentatively pull up the market, and may open low the next day to suppress and absorb funds.

2. Trading volume is a very practical technical indicator that can help determine the future market trend. If the price is rising while the trading volume continues to rise, it usually shows that the main control is very strong. On the contrary, if the price is falling when the trading volume falls, it may mean that it will continue to fall, because panic selling has not ended and market sentiment has not reached the freezing point.

3. Learn to observe the structure of the top of the plate. Generally speaking, the market of the sector will form a five-wave structure: the first wave is the follow-up market, the second wave is the adjustment of the wash market, the third wave is the main rising wave, the fourth wave is usually a complex divergence period, and the fifth wave is the lifting and pulling of shipments. In this process, the third wave often has the largest increase, the first wave is second, and the fifth wave is the lowest. However, the market situation is ever-changing and does not necessarily follow this pattern strictly. Therefore, it is necessary to respond flexibly and not to apply the formula rigidly. When the leading stocks of the sector show signs of stagflation, the market often reaches the top when the market rebounds. Strategy Understanding--Research Institute--599695450

4. Every time the top of the big currency accelerates, it is usually seen that the altcoins of some sectors rise sharply, which may trigger the reversal and change of the big currency. It is only necessary to observe whether the major leading stocks stop falling and rise, and then it can be judged whether the index will rise subsequently.

5. Especially for novice friends who have just entered the market, it is very important to focus on learning one operation strategy. Mastering the skills of a strategy is more likely to bring stable returns than learning a wide range of technologies. Greedy will lose. After learning a method, you must calm down and learn, and gradually improve your technical level. Once you have achieved stable profits, you can consider learning more skills to better integrate different knowledge.

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