There is a regularity in the launch time of each track.

First of all, the track must be fully adjusted before it can be launched.

Especially the meme track, which is usually launched after the hype of the mainstream track ends, which gives enough time difference.

In other words, if you ambush ordi and other inscriptions first, wait for them to take off for about 100 days before clearing the warehouse, and then ambush pepe, which has not yet started, you can make about 100 times the profit. This regularity is very obvious, so you must avoid time overlap, and you cannot blindly buy various currencies. You must choose to buy with similar fluctuations.

In addition, whether it is inscriptions or memes, they all conform to the dark horse three-wave theory mentioned earlier, and the third wave can be retreated. Therefore, you must learn to observe the rules of the track and seize the opportunity to start in order to get greater returns in your investment.

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