Last night, under the influence of CPI data, the price of CNY surged to around 59780. After we seized a wave of surges, we went short directly. Until now, we have successfully pocketed nearly 1700 points of space. This wave of catching the decline is also a relatively radical approach. It can only be said that the market is well coordinated, starving the timid and satiating the bold. In addition, the market did not stabilize after the surge yesterday, so we will catch the decline. The current price ratio is around 57200.

From the current trend, the shorts have been increasing in volume. At present, the price ratio has been hovering in the middle and lower tracks of the Bollinger Bands, but we cannot rule out the dog dealer making trouble. There may be a small pull-up in the morning. We patiently wait for the high price ratio and catch a wave of high air.

CNY idea: short around 57500-57800, target 56000#美国6月CPI大幅降温 $BTC