How many of the unexplainable metaphysics in the cryptocurrency world have you encountered?

1. If the market falls during the day, foreigners will pull it back at night

2. If you don’t chase the price when the market rises sharply in the morning, you are fooling the Chinese people who wake up to take over the market

3. If the market falls sharply in the morning, you should buy the bottom, which is to deceive the Chinese people who wake up to panic and sell

4. If you insert a very long needle, you should buy the bottom. The injection is to cure the disease and is conducive to growth

5. The market will rise before a major meeting and fall when the meeting is approaching

6. Whenever the group discusses which position is a major resistance, then this position will definitely break through

7. If you buy the stock recommended by the group members, you will definitely be trapped

8. If you buy the stock recommended by the group members, you will definitely fly all the way to the sky

9. When you place a heavy position and carry the order, you will definitely blow up the position

10. When you hit the stop loss on your short position, it will definitely fall

11. When you are close to recovering your investment, the rebound will come to an abrupt end

12. When you make a profit and exit, a dark horse will appear

13. When you are complacent, the air raid will come as expected

14. When you are penniless, good coins are everywhere

How many of you have been fooled? #美国6月CPI大幅降温 #美联储何时降息? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年