Since the creation of BNB Chain in 2017, approximately $1.64 billion has been lost due to hacking attacks and rug pulls.

According to bug-hunting platform Immunefi, the main target for the launch of fraudulent tokens was “rug pulls”, which accounted for $368 million.

In 2023 and 2024, losses were reduced thanks to a series of hard forks aimed at eliminating network vulnerabilities.

However, BNB Chain retains the dubious title of “preferred target for rug pulls.”

In total, the report estimates 228 rug pulls with a total value of $368 million.

Against this backdrop, Ethereum, the second-largest blockchain and the largest smart contract platform, has accumulated losses of $3.6 billion, but only 4.4% of this amount is due to rug pulls.

BNB Chain did not respond to an email seeking comment by the time of publication.