Today, I heard many people shouting that the bull market has returned. Whenever the market rebounds to a point that is about to break through a key point, we can hear the voice of the bull market returning. Although it is slightly optimistic, compared with the fierce downward trend in the previous period, the past two days can be considered "bullish". However, the bulls are still weak, and today 60,000 has not been touched.

For those who have already taken profits on short orders, you can prepare to switch to low longs. The rebound of the 5-day line before 10 o'clock tonight is just a short-term weakening of the downward momentum, and the support below is around 55,500. The follow-up will mainly depend on the weekly level. If it surges to around 60,000 again, you can still go short, but if you buy on dips, you can divide it into two strategies. If you have two accounts: one for long-term light positions and one for short-term:

1. Long-term: If you draw 30,000u for long-term, you can open 2,000u*12 times to buy BTC below 58,000. For every 1,000 points that BTC falls, add 500u, and hang it until December-March when it crosses high. 👗隇: xntm566 One-time profit stop. The position is not forced to close, just leave it there.

2. Short-term: Do volatility, depending on the stage, long and short are not limited. #币安7周年 #BTC下跌分析 #德国政府转移比特币 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #美联储何时降息?