Market analysis on the evening of July 11

BTC: Today's high is 58887, which is highly consistent with the pressure of 58880 in the four-hour chart. It has encountered resistance here. Pay attention to the position of 58000 in the evening. If the hourly chart falls below this, there will be a small wave of callback.

ETH: Today's high is 3158, which is only 10 points away from the four-hour resistance level of 3168. Pay attention to the position of 3118 in the hourly chart. After breaking here, there will be a trend callback in the hourly chart cycle.

Note: The 58000 and 3118 written here are based on the structural analysis of the current hourly chart. If there is a new high later, it needs to be redefined. This analysis cycle is the hourly chart, not the daily line. You must be clear about your trading cycle. The logic of different cycles is different.