📢 Bitget, the popular cryptocurrency exchange, reported a capital flow of $700 million and a 50% increase in its website traffic in the second quarter of 2024. 🚀 Additionally, the company attracted 10 million monthly visitors and registered 2.9 million new users. Its holdings of Bitcoin (BTC), Tether (USDT), and Ether (ETH) increased by at least 70%, equivalent to about $700 million in capital flow.

In collaboration with Foresight Ventures, Bitget launched a $20 million ecosystem fund to support projects on The Open Network (TON). Additionally, the company partnered with three Turkish national athletes as part of its campaign with Lionel Messi.

Bitget also highlighted that its reserve testing report shows ratios above 100% for all major assets. Additionally, its protection fund is valued at more than $420 million, providing additional security for its users.

What do you think of these Bitget advances? Share your thoughts in the comments! 💬