A great man counted Sun Ge's deeds like this.

In 2017, Sun Ge announced the launch of ICO (later TRON), and all ICOs were withdrawn one month later

In 2018, Sun Ge launched an IEO (BTT), and the IEO sector plummeted one month later

Lunch with Buffett, and the currency circle plummeted within one month

In 2020, he took advantage of DeFi, and crashed uni, sushi, and yfi on the day of launch

In 2021, Twitter preheated with major news about trx, and the whole cottage fell by 10%-20% the next day

In November 2021, Sun Ge's horse racing presale was sold out, and the Farm World collapsed the next day, and chain games collectively dived

On May 5, 22, Sun Ge launched the stablecoin USDD, and on May 9, the stablecoin UST was decoupled

On June 9, 2022, he said he would open his own exchange, and on June 19, Huobi could not be withdrawn

On October 9, 2022, it was officially announced that Huobi would be the world's second largest exchange the following month FTX went bankrupt

Announced to enter AI on February 8, 2023, AI collapsed

Running to enter LSD on February 10, LSD track collapsed

Announced to enter meme coin meme sector on May 11, 2023, died
