Pay attention to the data coming soon, the market is ready to move🔥

Tonight, at 8:30, the much-anticipated CPI data will be announced. This is not only the beating of numbers, but also the strong beating of the market pulse! 🚀

Imagine that the Bitcoin ETF has been flooded with large amounts for four consecutive nights. That is a torrent of confidence and a rallying cry for smart funds. They are announcing with actions: the future bull market is ready to go!

And the US stock ETF has been at an astonishing speed, with a net inflow of nearly 800 million US dollars in four days, like rocket fuel injected into the heart of the market. How can you not be moved by this force?

We firmly believe that data never lies, they are the most authentic language of the market. Last night's inflow was a vote for the market's infinite vision of the future and an early celebration of good news! 🎉

Don’t forget that the big institutions standing at the top of the market, their investment research teams are as sharp as eagles, and their economic experts are like crystal balls that can predict the future. Perhaps, behind the Fed’s data, there is also the shadow of their wisdom.

Therefore, at 8:30 tonight, let us look forward to the shocking big positive line. It is not only a light, but also a bridge to a new era of wealth!


