1. Position management: 80% spot, 20% contract (assuming 1000u funds: 800u spot, 200u contract)

2. The default position of the contract is 20%, that is, 4% of the total funds (assuming 1000u funds, use 40u of the contract position 200u to open an order)

*Spot and contract positions are strictly separated, and spot funds may not be used to fill contract positions.


1. The contract is only for big pie, and the copycat unified only does long spot. The copycat contract is prone to losses or sell out in one wave;

2. If there are changes in the market, prompts will be given to stop profit or cancel orders in time to avoid profit taking or deep trap;

3. If there is no opportunity, just wait, reduce the frequency of operation, and the established operation rules will basically not lose money. Big market is earned by waiting, not by high-frequency operation.

After reading the historical posts, you can join the paid group (early bird price 100u/month) and I will guarantee:

1. Fees will be deducted only if the profit for the month is ≥15%;

2. If the loss or profit of the current month is less than 15%, the validity period will be extended to the next month (for example, if the loss of the current month is 3%, the membership fee will be charged if the profit is 18% next month; if the profit of the current month is 8%, the membership fee will be charged if the profit is 7% next month);

3. Prompt you to take profit or cancel an order immediately when the market changes;

4. Share the operation logic of opening an order;

All posts are never posted after the fact, and all those that cover losses and take profits are retained.