In the MEME market, there is a remarkable rule: when the market seems unusually calm or even disturbing, it is precisely the time when high attention needs to be maintained every day.

$PEPE suddenly emerged and became the focus of the market when the public paid less attention to the MEME market.

$MOG bucked the trend and successfully attracted the market's attention in July-August last year, when market sentiment reached its lowest point and everyone felt desperate.

Similarly, $MOBE unexpectedly showed strong growth momentum on SOL when all eyes were on ETH.

There are countless such examples, and the market environment is constantly changing:

As the European Cup comes to an end, the market's attention begins to return to normal.

The risks brought by events such as Germany and MTGOX have gradually dissipated, and market sentiment has calmed down.

The U.S. interest rate cut is getting closer and closer, and the market is abundant with funds.

The advancement of ETH ETF and the launch of SOL ETF are bringing new incremental funds to the market.

It can be said that the most difficult period has passed and the market situation is gradually developing in a good direction.