Solana-based liquid staking platform Sanctum (CLOUD) has announced its intention to launch a CLOUD airdrop next week. On Monday, the project will release a how-to guide describing the launch process. Then, on July 16 at 15:30 UTC, a special edition of the Planetary Call, called "Liftoff" with Jupiter, is planned to provide additional information about the launch.

CLOUD will launch on July 18th, allowing people to claim their airdrop and start trading with the CLOUD token. On July 19, Sanctum will host a CLOUD party. The total supply of CLOUD is 1 billion tokens. According to Sanctum, 18% of the total supply is planned to be allocated to the issuance: 10% will be distributed through the initial airdrop, and 8% will be used to provide liquidity in the LFG launch pool.

The token will be used to manage capital management and control, allowing holders to influence decisions regarding the direction of the platform and resource management. In addition, participants will be required to stake CLOUD to qualify for the Sanctum Verified Partner program, with CLOUD holders voting on whether to accept partners.