Bitcoin's retracement has not yet arrived, relying on the 60,000 mark to lay out high altitude!

Good morning, Bitcoin fell to 57,100 in the early morning and rebounded. Now the price is around 57,800. The daily K closed with a small upper shadow negative line. From the current market, the pressure can still refer to the middle track to suppress the 60,300 line. If the rebound does not break here, high altitude intervention will be made. There will be CPI data tonight, which will easily cause a pin market at that time. There must be risk control awareness. The past cannot be recovered, but the future can be changed. After all, we young people cannot have youth and feelings about youth at the same time. But life never steps on the same river. If you want to buy osmanthus and carry wine together, it will never be like a young man's tour. Then invite the east wind to embrace the bright moon. What your heart desires, don't look back!

The short-term 4-hour price rebounded with the support of the Bollinger middle rail. In recent days, the market has fluctuated back and forth, and there is no clear unilateral market. It is pulled up and then slowly falls back, or after falling, it is suddenly pulled up, so the operation has added a certain degree of difficulty. Profits should be pocketed in time, and don’t be greedy! The upper rail of the 4-hour level suppresses 59500, which can be used as the first pressure point, and the second is 60300 as a strong pressure point to arrange short orders. In the white market, you can consider low-long first to take the rebound, relying on the middle rail support near 57200, and look at the rebound 59500 and 60300 here to go high!

Strategy: Buy at 57200 in the morning, target 58000-59000-60000, defense 56700

Buy at 59500 and 60000 in the evening, target 58000-57000-56000, defense 60500

The current price of Ethereum is 3090, with 3 consecutive positive daily K levels, which is stronger than Bitcoin. The strong pressure also focuses on the middle rail pressure of 3260. At the short-term 4-hour level, the upper rail is currently under pressure at 3170, and the lower side is mainly based on the middle rail support of 3060.

Strategy: Buy at 3060 in the morning, target 3170 and 3250, defense 3010

Sell at 3250 in the evening, target 3150-3000-2930, defense 3290

The above is only my personal opinion, the market changes in real time, everything is based on the actual market guidance, investment is risky, enter the market with caution! #CPI数据 #美联储何时降息? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #德国政府转移比特币 #币安7周年 $BTC $ETH