Do you think this is the current situation of many brothers?

When making money, I just watch from the sidelines

Watched one after another

Missed one after another

Always feel that there are many opportunities, not one or two times

Yes, there is no shortage of opportunities in the currency circle, this is beyond doubt

But can you seize the opportunity😂 Just watch and do nothing

Afraid of wolves in front and tigers behind, afraid of being cut off on the left and afraid of being hit on the right

To sum it up in one sentence, do you think it is right

You are not in a hurry to make money, busy today and tomorrow

You are more anxious than anyone else when you lose money, you can't wait to book a room in Binance and live there, always watching the market

What happened? You always lose money, but you never make money

A vicious cycle, which eventually leads to your wallet getting thinner and thinner🤪

Does it suit you? Haha